Family Support Services
AiMHi has been a leader in providing Community Living Services in Prince George for over 65 years. We are proud to support all members of our community in living their best lives.

Family Support
Family Support is a community and home based service in which the parents are the chief decision makers.
This is a family centered program with the goal to develop a support system that is based upon the strengths and needs of the families. We assist individual family members with developing and maintaining a sense of responsibility, motivation, commitment and independence. We assist the family with coordinating health, educational and social services within the community. We assist families in accessing community programs, i.e., leisure, education, parenting, etc.
We work with families to:
- Enhance communication skills
- Promote healthy lifestyle
- Child care skills development
- Accessing community resources
- Prenatal and postnatal care
- Development of support networks
- Maintain and increase parenting skills
- Facilitating transitions and establish routines
- Gathering and interpreting resource information
- Crisis intervention as required
- Managing behaviour
- Advocating for their families
- Self care strategies
Employees are aware of and respect family lifestyle and culture. Hours and days of service are flexible and are based on the needs of the family.
How to access this Service:
Families need to be referred by the Ministry of Children and Family Development – Children and Youth with Special Needs, call: 250-565-6904
Family & Children Newsletters
Please click links below to access the AiMHi Family & Children Newsletters (PDF)
Dylan Saar Memorial Fund
Read more here about the fund (PDF)

Family Advocacy
AiMHi coordinates information and networking opportunities for parents, guardians and caregivers. Presentations are organized approximately 2 times a year. The information sessions are advertised in the community and you do not have to be receiving services from AiMHi to attend.

Family Networking
AiMHi coordinates information and networking opportunities for parents, guardians and caregivers. Presentations are organized approximately 3 times a year. These information sessions are advertised in the community and you do not have to be receiving services from AiMHi to attend. If you are interested in learning more how to access community services then this group may be helpful.
We hope to provide families with a mechanism to connect with one another and share information.
If you are interested, please call Susan Wilson at 250-564-6408 ext 252.

Infant Development
The AiMHi Infant Development Program (IDP) has been in operation since 1979. The Infant Development Program services children from birth to three years of age who are at risk for, or who may have a delay in development. Your participation is voluntary.
What is the Infant Development Program?
- Support to Parents in planning activities that encourage child development
- Home visiting program
- Assessment to identify specific areas of developmental delay
- Consultants are professionals with special training in early child development, assessment and activities
- Funding is provided by the Ministry for Children and Family Development (MCFD) with local sponsorship by non-profit societies in a number of communities throughout BC
- Offered to families at no cost
- Consultants work a flex schedule and book appointments in conjunction with the family’s availability.
- Services are provided in the family home.
- Services occasionally occur in the community or at AiMHi if required.
Why an Infant Development Program?
Usually, a baby from birth to three years develops at a rapid pace. When your baby needs additional support reaching their milestones IDP can help. Future physical, social and intellectual development depends largely on your baby’s early experience within the context of their family. IDP works from a family centered strength based perspective with parents as the experts of their child.
- Children aged birth to three years
- Delayed in one or more skill area
- Children with a diagnosed disability
- At risk for potential delays
- Parents with questions/concerns
- Referred by: Parent, doctor, health nurse, etc.
- Participation is voluntary and information shared is confidential.
Please click HERE to access Referral/ Application Form (PDF).