AiMHi has been a leader in providing Community Living Services in Prince George for over 65 years. We are proud to support all members of our community in living their best lives.
Join us as a member!
Any person supportive of the objectives, goals and projects of the society shall be awarded full membership upon payment of a membership fee, as determined by the Board of Directors.
Memberships can be purchased by visiting our Main Office, Filling out our online form below or by emailing us at aimhi@aimhi.ca or by telephone (250) 564-6408.
New Membership Application Form
Section 2 of the AiMHi Bylaws and Constitution states:
A person may be eligible to be accepted as a Full Member if he or she is nineteen (19) years of age or older; and is interested in advancing the purposes and supporting the activities of the Society.
To keep your membership current and in good standing, an annual membership fee must be paid.
Existing Members are not required to complete the membership form unless you would like to notify us of any changes to your contact information.
Membership expires annually at the AiMHi Annual General Meeting.
This application includes a membership to Inclusion BC, and you may from time to time receive information from Inclusion BC.
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