Employment Services
AiMHi has been a leader in providing Community Living Services in Prince George for over 65 years. We are proud to support all members of our community in living their best lives.
We believe that all people have the right to live, grow and find meaningful employment in their community

Infinite Employment Solutions
Infinite Employment Solutions (IES) is a program that supports people to find meaningful employment within the Prince George community. IES employee’s schedule of days and hours are flexible to meet the needs of the person receiving services. IES matches job seeker’s skills, abilities, and capabilities to the employment needs of local businesses. We support people to find work by using Career Planning Processes, Person Centered Employment Plans, Informational Interviews, Resume and Cover Letter development, and on-the job supports and job club opportunities. IES works with employers that wish to hire inclusively. Our job developers make the transition to inclusive employment comfortable for both the people we support and the employer. IES also provides on the job training opportunities, through our training programs. People learn valuable hands on job skills and it is the only program of its kind that pays the trainees for the work that they are doing. The training programs are limited in duration with the end goal of obtaining the skills necessary for community employment.
Connecting Businesses with Skilled Workers – Our strategy is to match varying skills with businesses. We provide exceptional support to both the business and the employee.
Community Employment
Infinite Employment Services is a service for persons who need assistance in obtaining employment. We achieve this goal by assisting people to build on employable skills and identifying their unique contributions. At the same time, we work closely with employers to determine their needs and identify. suitable candidates to match them with.
Employer Support
If a business wishes to have assistance during the initial training period, a job coach is made available. As the tasks of the job are mastered, the support from the Job Coach is gradually reduced. Follow-up support is available to assist at any time. Disability awareness training is available for all staff.
Paid Employer Training Programs
Common Goods Pick-up Van IES provides a hands on opportunity to teach basic employment readiness. The average time an individual participates in these employment training programs is two years with an option for a third year:
Common Goods – This program gathers donations of unwanted household items while providing warehouse and telemarketing skills.
Bike Warehouse – The third Saturday of every month we sell quality used bikes way below cost to supplement some of the cost of the training programs.
Berry Picking – Did you know that any donations made to the common goods program, money made by the shredding program, bike warehouse or mobile crew all goes back into supporting our job skills development programs. So when you support our programming either through striving to be and inclusive employer, allowing us to do your shredding, attending our bike warehouse or donating your unwanted house hold items, you are supporting opportunities for the people we support to obtain gainful community employment.
For more information please contact Director of Services Sandi Beningfield @ 250-564-6408 Ext. 240

Kerry's Kitchen
Kerry’s Kitchen was designed to train and teach individuals we support how to work in the food industry. Kerry’s Kitchen gives firsthand experience learning the skills needed for a food service career. This is a great opportunity to create employment for people we support as well as gain skills and hands-on experience in a restaurant / kitchen setting.
The training hours and days in the kitchen are flexible. People involved are scheduled to meet their goals and the needs of the program. This could include days, evenings and weekends.
What We Do in Terms of Skill Development
There is a series of training modules that individuals will work on weekly in a group setting:
- Menu Planning
- Cleanliness of the Kitchen
- Grocery Shopping / Smart Shopping
- Nutrition
- Food Storage
- Kitchen Safety and First Aid in the Kitchen
- Food Packaging
- Food Preparation
- Kitchen Equipment Training
- Dishwasher / Dishwashing Awareness
- Hostess Program
- Cash Register Training
- Developing a Grocery List / Ordering
- Food Safe
- Bussing
- Dish Storage
- Serving and Presentation
Who Can Benefit
People we support, who have identified that they would like to learn new skills that would benefit them when searching for employment in the food industry. This will also benefit someone who is looking at increasing their skills in the kitchen.
Kerry’s Kitchen also provides catering to events within the association.
Kerry’s Kitchen is open for lunch 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Daily Specials are posted in advance. Lunch and Soup Cards are available! There are fresh breakfast sandwiches and hashbrowns provided Thursdays 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.